Everyday Kung Fu Episode 04

As filling and inspiring it is for me to hear the teachings of my teacher, as filling and inspiring it is for me to hear the teachings of our students. The art of studentship is to open ourselves to our own self. With the gates open everyone and everything becomes our teacher. Be part in the next Everyday Kung Fu Episode on our journey to open ourselves up individually and together. In this episode, I had the first round of talks with our students in their daily individual training routine. I was interested to hear what they train and what are their experiences and feelings with that. In the second part coming soon, I will continue with some other students hearing more wisdom from my students and friends :). Subscribe for not missing that! https://www.xuan-gongfu.de/

Everyday Kung Fu 03 is there!

For us, Gong Fu is not just a sport or martial art, but it is a way of life. Together with students from all over the world, we discover how to transfer the principles of Gong Fu into everyday life. Meet in this vlog series the humans behind the gong fu. In episode three we have some nice chats on walks to the training and a weekend shopping tour while talking about the new name of the school: XUAN

The New ERA – Name Change of Wudang Deutschland to XUAN

WE HAVE SOME NEWS FOR YOU! After some time of deep thinking, we decided to change the name of our academy. Being very thankful for the name that has been with us for over 10 years, it became an important step on your way of growth to let the name grow with us into something that represents our way of gong fu better. Help us to bring the message out and to spread the new name to all corners, so that friends and new students will still know where to find some decent gong fu ;).

Training Records 06 – Virtue of Competition

In episode 6 I open with you some ideas about competition. Looking at questions like: why do we join competitions and what value they bring into our training. In our Training Records series, I talk in regular episodes about our training. About what we train, how we train, the methodologies of our training or philosophies connected to our training. With this series, we hope to share with your our training process and keep you up to date of what is happening at our academy here in Berlin.

New Ba Gua Clip with Kerem, Marthe and Stev

Three creates eight… For quite some time I want to share with you our latest progress of Ba Gua Zhang. Finally, I had the chance to circle with some of our most advanced Ba Gua Students of Wudang Deutschland again! Join Kerem, Marthe and me when we playfully ignite the inner fire with Ba Gua Zhang in the cold winter of Berlin. The spiral motions and the constant guidance of energy from one motion to the next, are a great way to boost up the mood and the heavy body.

Hidden Warrior Championships II

After Kerem Shemi won our last Online Championships it is now time to crown a new champion. 6 competitors show their forms and application, get criticized first by our commentators and later judged by 3 expert judges in order to find out who is worthy enough to win the hidden warrior championships and receiving the sword of the five animals. Join us when we bring our internal arts onto the sport spotlights in the hope to share in an entertaining way with more people what we do and love while giving our students some extra pressure!

Stay Tune and be ready for the next Championships in hopefully in Summer 2021, when we invite students from all over the world to join our small competition.